How To Build A Quality Website

Tips On How To Build A Quality Website



As one of the top website design companies in Dayton Ohio, we have learned over the years of experience, what it takes to build a quality website and would like to share some of what we have learned with you.


Website design builder sites like Wix and others are found on the Internet and marketed everywhere as your simple solution to a new website for your business.


But there is one critical factor that none of them tell you upfront.


What is that you ask?


Tips For Building A Quality Website - From Dayton Digital Marketing Services in Dayton OhioThe simple fact is that unless your website is built from the ground up with a solid foundation of the correct SEO principles in place that are going to cause it to rank in Google and the others search engines, it is now more than a pretty brochere for your business.


No one is going to find it because it doesn’t rank for the important keywords related to your business, which translates into ZERO new customers for your business via the search engines.


Once found, your website should have the capacity of grabbing the attention of the visitor. Using bright and shiny gimmicks to attract the visitor to a boring site is a waste of yours and your viewers time. Your website must have easy navigation tools and interactive media and contain quality content that your customers will find useful.


It is of no use creating a website that looks like a giant advertisement where you have to search for the required information. Avoid adding pop-ups on your site, most people find these extremely annoying and many people who just automatically leave the site if a bunch of commercial pop-ups that they must constantly close out, appear on the screen!


Another aspect of a quality website is the way your personality in your writing comes accross.


Your website is basically an outlet of putting your identity out in the world. So just be yourself, because if you try to appeal to an audience in a way that is not your true self, you are surely destined to fail in the website.


Never forget to select a domain name that is productive to your website.


One of the most important thing you should do before building your website, is analyzing your competition. Notice the ones that are ranking in the first 3 positions, there is a reason they are ranking in those positions, they have designed their websites to rank in the search engines.


Try an incorporate the different aspects of their sites into yours only using your own orginal content.


Quality Web Content - A Must for a Quality Website DesignThe first and most critical part of creating a quality website lies in the planning of the site content, this is generally known as reverse engeniering a website. Next is the message you want your website to convey to your potential customers and clients, the correct keywords to use and the archicture of your site design.


In case you are not aware of it, Google does not rank websites, they rank web pages.


So bascally, every page on your website if optimized correctly, has the ability to rank in Google for the search terms that specific page is about.


Another powerful and flexible tool for building high quality web pages is using WordPress as your design platform. By using attractive graphics it will make your website more interesting. Banners can be created from scratch or by using free banner generators.


Be sure to choose a reliable web hosting for better quality of your website such as HostGator or Just Host which both have great 24/7 techincal support should you run into problems with your website of need answers to your questions.


Whatever technique you employ, make sure that your website doesn’t look like it was designed by a novice, there is nothing more that screams un-professional as a badly designed website, since it immediately says to a potential customer, if their website looks like this, how good could their service be?


We hope you have found these tips on web page designing useful if you consider building your own website.


However, if you want it done correctly, timely, and most important, one that will show up on Page 1 of Google, we are experts at creating beautiful, SEO optimized, responsive and mobile optimized websites.